Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Book Downloading by Google Inc.

Good luck stopping the illegal downloading of books.  I have seen my titles popping up here and there and I requested that Google not scan my books. Mostly they disappeared after that but I just saw Tobacco Sticks my second novel out there on a Google site. The whole book just sitting there for whoever wanted to read it. Sure. Why not? Can you really stop people from downloading books? No. You can't. Think of a ship taking water with a million holes in way. The era of the contained paper book ended with the digital age. Everyone is going to have to get used to it and start thinking along the lines of Steve Jobs

The IPOD did a huge favor for the music business. It produced a paraydyme where downloads could be corralled and paid for by the end user. The Napster world was scary, a universe of people shooting music all over with sharing engines.And  of course that goes on but what Jobs did was he made paying for music sexy. The same way the Kindle is making paying for books sexy. And we better hope those Kindle users stick with the program and don't go rogue and start shooting in files from Google.

The reality is this. The people who are honest and feel the need to pay for a service provided will pay for their books and music. The people who feel they are entitled to take what they can will do so and nobody will be able to stop them. The same people that speed or blow tolls or cheat or don't put their shopping cart back or steal a case of water in the bottom of their cart will swipe books and music files. Nobody will ever change that.

But fortunately, a lot of people will follow the rules and still pay for their books be they paper or digital. The rest will steal until they publish a book or write a song. Then they will scream bloody murder.

Books by William Hazelgrove