Thursday, June 26, 2014

How To Surive in America as a Writer...Hemingways Attic

"If you want to be a writer then GO FOR IT!' May 6, 2014

Format:Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase Five Stars

William Elliott Hazelgrove has written an excellent book for writers and those wanting to become a writer. Oh, now this isn't about the how-to or how-to-write or even how-to-get-published or how-to-market your book. Nope, however what this book is, is it's about the lifestyle of being a writer and what to expect. As an author of 19 books, I could relate all too well with that William wrote about. As strange as it may seem, and for the most part, the real world doesn't consider writing to be a "real job" and William, working off his own experience, shares with us, how rocky the road can get.

One of the aspects I took away from this book is two-fold. As a writer, the two main keys for success are perseverance and confidence. And speaking from my own experience, I couldn't agree more. You have to have thick skin to survive in this business, but that doesn't mean you cannot still have fun. I love the comparisons to Hemingway as even I have a deep respect for the man. One quote from Hemingway that serves as my mantra is, "Writing is easy, all you do is sit at a typewriter and bleed." And this is one of the points that William makes in the book, if you can't stand the heat in the kitchen, then get out. But, if you are going to stay, then make it work and just do it.

But all in all, the main theme of this book, the whole enchilada so to speak about this book is this, Be true to yourself, if it is the life that you want, being a writer, then claim it and make it so. If you want to be a writer, then make the commitment to do it.I truly appreciate the helpful tips and advice William gives throughout the book but this message is the one that counts more than any other. Here are just two quotes from the book to illustrate his points, "If you want to be a writer then GO FOR IT!' and "You are a writer anyway. You will never retire. NOW IS THE TIME . NOW IS YOUR LIFE ! Stake yourself a year and start living the writers life."

It doesn't matter if you have never written a word but have a desire to, or if you are a seasoned author, there is something here for everyone, even a James Patterson or a Stephen King. I know what you are thinking, what in the world could be in here that one of those fellows could learn from. Well, I'll tell you in a nutshell, "You're not alone." Yep, being a writer can be and at times, a difficult life and sometimes, no matter who you are, there is solace in knowing that there are others out there like you and you're not alone.

William Elliott Hazelgrove has written an excellent book and one that I recommend to anyone who is or wants to be writer. Well done sir and thank you for your work, it certainly hit home with me

Books by William Hazelgrove