Sunday, November 9, 2014

The Christmas Vortex

You know it's coming. You see it in the stores. The decorations already out and you know that the Christmas vortex is maybe a week away. And what is strange once we enter the vortex we will find ourselves suddenly on the other side facing January. But lets go back to the vortex. Thanksgiving. It really begins there but the ramp up is there too. Jockeying for the holidays. Who is going where. Whose house will host all those festivities.

My dad asked me about a weekend  and I feigned fatigue and having to consult my wife. I just couldn't believe I had to commit already to the family Xmas with all its attendant machinations. And yet it is here already. We have counted up the weekends and there are not enough to fit everything in. It is amazing to say the but the season is already too short. And then I think about that great quiet on the far side of the holidays and I know that too is coming.

Because after the vortex comes the venturi of winter life with all it's OH MY GOD WE HAVE THREE MONTHS of winter before spring. And maybe that is what all the talk is about time flying which is probably more of time jetting past us now. But for now lets enjoy and enter the vortex with dignity and start lining up those dates.

So I will call my dad back and commit. Tomorrow.

Real Santa...What one man wont do for his kids

Books by William Hazelgrove