Friday, November 29, 2013

Finishing One Last Book Before the Year Ends

Writers are driven by deadlines. Most of them self imposed. A big one is the end of the year or the beginning of the holidays. Lets face it is just about game over and time to start tallying up what you accomplished or didn't accomplish in 2013. This is the way writers think. Where am I in comparison to a year ago? And one way to stave off that accounting is to slip in one last book before the New Year rings in.

Some writers just say to hell with it. There is next year and when everything calms down I will begin that next book or finish that next book. But then there are people like me who see the holidays as a natural Finish Line. This is the self imposed deadline critical to getting a first draft finished. Lets face it at a point the holidays just takes over and no work is done.

So it really is the moment. The book has to be finished now or not at all. And the real reckoning with that awful question (did you finish a book in 2013) looms. So the race is on and I figure maybe three weeks left of work. Maybe. Three weeks left to justify a year.
The Pitcher

Books by William Hazelgrove